
Elevate Your Impact: Mindset Shifts for Thriving in the Health & Fitness Industry


Success in the health & fitness industry isn’t solely defined by intellect, being more “productive”, or having a great product or service. It is also determined by the mastery of one’s mindset. The decision to do — or not to do — the small things. The decision to lean in — or not to lean in — to the person you’re meant to be. 

This article is your gateway to a deeper understanding of the power of your inner dialogue and its profound influence on your career. We’ll share an easy 4-step process for you to transform your own thinking so you can not only enhance your personal well-being but also elevate your effectiveness as a health and fitness expert.


The Power of Your Inner Dialogue: Navigating Thoughts in Challenging Times

Your inner monologue — or constant stream of thoughts — often go unnoticed, because it can easily become a normal part of existence.

During challenging times, a self-deprecating inner voice can become incredibly loud and influential. 

If it’s suggesting doubts about suitability for the entrepreneurial lifestyle (for example) — suggesting incompetence, weakness, or the like — this narrative can significantly influence the outcomes in both personal and professional spheres.

Harnessing Your Mind’s Potential: Shaping Beliefs for Personal and Professional Success

Adjusting your internal monologue is the key step to improving your overall mental health, wellbeing, and performance.

Indeed, positive thinking isn’t merely about incessantly repeating self-affirming mantras. It’s about actively choosing to acknowledge and focus on empowering perspectives about oneself and one’s place in the world — perspectives that are just as accurate and factual as their less uplifting counterparts.

For instance, consider the declaration, “I’m not an entrepreneur.”

If you’ve made this statement, it’s accurate in its own way. You may lack experience, or perhaps you’re in the early stages of your entrepreneurial journey and haven’t yet fully embraced the entrepreneur identity.

Now, take the assertion, “I’m embarking on this entrepreneurial journey, and while it’s going to be tough, I’m prepared to meet the challenges head-on.”

This perspective is equally accurate. It recognizes the reality of the situation, acknowledges the challenges, and asserts a readiness to face them. It’s an affirmation of resilience and tenacity — crucial traits for an entrepreneur.

Both these perspectives may coexist, but choosing to emphasize the latter can contribute to a more positive mindset, and ultimately, a more successful entrepreneurial journey.

It’s not about denying reality; it’s about choosing which part of reality to highlight — the part that fuels progress and growth.

Ultimately, you are in control of the stories you tell yourself about yourself.

“I’m not cut out for this,” is not a fact — it’s a judgement. And, in this realization lies the power to control your destiny.

By choosing a story that is empowering, rather than deflating, you will begin to make the small daily choices that lead to drastically different outcomes over time.


Cultivating a Positive Internal Dialogue: Practical Steps for Transformation

Here are four steps to improve your internal monologue:

Step 1:
Increase Your Awareness

First, simply notice when you are thinking negatively. Awareness is the first step towards change. You may be in denial that you even have an internal monologue. Pay attention and see what you find.

Step 2:
Acknowledge and Label Your Thoughts

When you notice a negative thought, acknowledge it instead of ignoring it. Label it as a “negative thought.” This process helps create some distance between you and the thought.

Step 3:
Challenge the Thought

Instead of accepting the negative thought, challenge it. Ask yourself, “Is this really true?” “Am I viewing this situation from all perspectives?” “What evidence do I have that this thought is accurate?”

Step 4:
Reframe Negative Thoughts

Replace negative thoughts with more positive, constructive ones.

For example, instead of thinking “I don’t have any experience,” you might try, “My past experience and skills can be leverage in unique ways.”

Reframe, “I can’t get clients,” to, “I’m still learning the most effective ways to attract my ideal clients.”

Instead of thinking, “I’m out of shape, why would anyone want to be my client?,” you can say, “I’m more than my physical appearance; my skills and expertise speak for themselves.”


Like All Things Worth Doing, Cultivating Positive Self-Talk Takes Time

Remember, changing thought patterns is not an overnight process; it takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories along the way.

It’s okay to have negative thoughts; the goal isn’t to eliminate them entirely, but to manage them more effectively, so you can become the architect of your own destiny. Before you can build the career of your dreams, you’ll need to believe in your abilities and double-down on reframing a negative internal monologue.

What To Do Next

If you want to change your inner dialogue — and start to be the type of health & fitness professional you’ve always wanted to be — follow these four steps:

Like anything new, this will feel awkward at first. Keep putting in your reps and, over time, your thinking will improve (along with the results you can create).

Want to learn more?

Then check out Dr John Berardi’s one-of-a-kind book – winner of the 2021 Axiom Business Book of the Year – Change Maker: Turn Your Passion For Health and Fitness into a Powerful Purpose and a Wildly Successful Career.

The health and fitness industry is huge, highly competitive, and often confusing to navigate. Dr. Berardi helps you make sense of the chaos, laying out a clear roadmap to help you achieve both personal and professional success.