
Download Your Lean Canvas For Health & Fitness Pros.

All yours, for free.

Download the lean canvas now

90% of business fail...

… but gaining a clear-vision of what your business needs to succeed will greatly increase your odds.

Want a roadmap to test your ideas and build your way forward?

Start with this FREE Lean Canvas for Health & Fitness Pros.

Andrea Headshot Round Hi, I'm Andrea Hayes

I’m a Managing Partner at Change Maker Academy, working alongside Dr. John Berardi to help change makers turn their passion for health and fitness into a powerful purpose and a wildly successful career.

I’m also the Program Manager at the University of Victoria’s Innovation Centre, where I teach, mentor and establish key connections for budding entrepreneurs.

Over the last 10 years, I’ve started several companies. I know what it’s like to succeed at something I didn’t love, to fail at something I was deeply passionate about, and to finally win at something I love with people I love working with. I find a deep sense of meaning supporting other health and fitness professionals on their journeys as they find success, based on their own success metrics.

Today we’ll show you how to beat the odds and establish a business you love (that pays your bills).

We’ve used this process in our own businesses and with hundreds of other startups.

And we’re excited to share it with you.

In this FREE workbook,
will give you a deep understanding of your:

  • Customers (who they are + the problems they’re really trying to solve),
  • Offering (how you can solve your clients top 3 problems),
  • Channels (and what you’ll do to reach more customers),
  • Existing solutions + competitors (and how you’ll stand out from the crowd),
  • Key metrics (and how you’ll know if you’re succeeding or not),
  • Cost structure (so you’ll know what you need to charge), and
  • Revenue streams (how you’ll bring in money and manage your cash flow).

And we’ll show you how to test your assumptions, in the real world, so you can make data-driven decisions and confidently build your way forward.

This workbook is completely FREE.

Simply add your first name and email address and we’ll send you everything you need to start taking action, starting today.

Lean Canvas For Health & Fitness Pros

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